Product Description
Puremax Gen II is a hybrid macro-porous polymer that works extremely to remove odour, tannins along with harmful ammonia and phosphates which results in super clear water.
PUREMAX GEN II is a product of years of scientific research that has created a unique polymer which selectively removes organic waste, tannins and yellow water while leaving trace elements virtually untouched.
Removes Dissolved Organic Wastes And Tannins for Crystal Clear Water, Works super fat.
Assists in Controlling Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrates.
Reduces Water Changes.
Helps Control Unsightly algae.
For best results, Puremax should be rinsed before use.
Use 100ml of Puremax in a media bag for every 400 litres of water and place in an area with maximum water flow.
Depletion is indicated by dark brown or black colouration.
Regeneration with beach:
When using bleach, always work in well ventilated room.
Remove Puremax Gen II and rinse in tap water to loosen any solid waste.
Prepare a mixture of 60% tap water and 40% unscented household bleach (3.5% Sodium Hypochlorite) in a plastic container.
Soak for 3-12 hours until the original beige/white colour is restored.
Rinse very well in tap water until chlorine odour is mo longer present .
If chlorine odour is present, soak for at least 3-6 hours in 20ml of dechlorinator solution along with tap water.
Use a chlorine test to confirm that it is safe to use before installing.
PUREMAX GENE II is now fully regenerated and ready to use.